Monday, April 4, 2011

Letter of Recommendation

April 1,2011

Mr. Walske
Computer Teacher
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave
Costa Mesa, 92627

Dear Mr. Walske:

Jose Vazquez is a very reliable person. He grew up in Costa Mesa city. Knowing him through his teenage years has been great. He was always on time to school and was always a leader. Jose join the wrestling team for his high school. He made it varsity at 135 pounds and was good at it with 2 losses and 8 wins. He has a good record of attendance and has many certificates of classroom participation since he was in 5th grade up until high school. Jose has always been on time to places, school, and any appointments He is someone who you can trust blindly. Jose has also shown a lot of maturity when hard situations have rushed through his way. He can deal with any problem that comes through his way.

One of many skills Jose Vazquez has is he is very intelligent, and I fast learner. He has the knowledge to control a lot of technology. Computer for example, Answering phone calls, any electronic device you can give him he will find out how to work it out unless he knows already. Other skills are that he is good with mathematics and is also good with vocabulary. He is good at socializing with random people and a good person that can convince anyone! Jose is also bilingual; he speaks Spanish and English fluently.

Jose has many goals inn life. His main goal right now is to finish his senior year at Back Bay High school and graduate. After graduation he is going to college and take on his career studying to become an emergency medical technician (EMT). After finishing his EMT courses he wants to keep studying until he accomplishes
 his main goal. Which is becoming an (ER) Register Nurse. His thoughts are to be done with half his goals before he turns 26 years old.

Jose Vazquez

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