Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Critical Movie Review

I think this movie was really really really boring. The music sucked, the boat was fake to much computer graphics  that look very fake. The actors are super boring who can't even act. like Leonardo Di Caprio "Jack Dawson" was over acting in this movie. Plus the movie only based on the rich people. which is  freaking stupid because the poor people were the ones who suffered more than all the first class people and like always inn every single movie.producers always make the rich people be number one. The movie should have been based on poor people how the rich man treated them and how they died in the boat. Directors should get a life and stop making movies that the rich always end up happy like  Kate Winslet "Rose" when she met jack she fell in love and so did he. They are stupid (directors) because the story would have been better if they based it on a poor couple not a rich and poor. like every other story. Titanic was really whack. I think they should re make it with a different story.In this picture you can see  rose and jack chilling in the first class floor of the titanic while  the poor people  (3rd) class  were all working  hard trying to make the ship move through the  Atlantic  ocean. This movie was  a disappointment to  a lot of people.

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