Monday, June 13, 2011

My Summer 2011

Topic #1 Party

For this summer I am planning on having 5 massive parties, First one in my mother’s house. I want to have another party in my sister’s house and also in my dad’s house and in my apartment. I also want to have a party in a hotel.

Topic #2 Travel

I am going to France for a cousins wedding. When I get to France I will be taking a train trip around Europe. I want to go to Spain to visit my grandparents and my uncles. I am excited for this summer. When I come back from Europe I will be landing in New York for New years.

Topic #3 Work

For this summer I wont be working. I’m just going to relax. I might help out my dad at his working. Most likely I wont. I’m just going to travel and party everyday I can. I want to spend a lot of money in Europe I want to buy a car there and leave it in my grandparent’s house.

Topic #4 School

On my return from traveling I want to start college and get my AA in business after completing college I will start working with my father. After college I want to go to UCLB and get a bachelors in business and take over my dads business.

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